Tuesday, October 14, 2008


So, I have this huge project due for my writing class. It's at 11am on MWF, and its my first class on those days. Which has been pretty nice. I usually wake up at about 9, which is wonderful, and I get things done.

Anyway. This week the teacher cancelled the class, all three classes this week, to give us more time on the project. And I'm so overwhelmed/depressed that i've just been sleeping a lot. Instead of working on the project.

Monday, October 13, 2008

un motivation.

Theres gotta be something more, gotta be more than this, i need a little less hard times, i need a little more bliss.

Despite the fake southern accent (or do all georgians seriously sing like that?), Jennifer Nettles has pretty accurately stated what I think everyone thinks. (And thats why country music is good)

I am burned out. I was burned out last semester, and I thought if i took it easy over the summer, worked minimally, got a tan, worked on relationships instead of all the meaningless crap that has been thrown at me, that i would recover. It took until August, but when I came back to school, I was successfully de-stressed.

It lasted about a week and a half.

Now, the middle of October, two very big, time consuming projects due in the near future, I am very stressed and burned out. This semester isnt nearly as bad as last semester, I'm not even working. But, I'm still holding onto the want for real life. I don't honestly care about analyzing one of Beethoven's string quartets. Or learning to write a fugue. Or even practicing the violin right now.

If this was a marathon, I think I'm about at mile 14. Barely past halfway, but long past numbness and wanting to shoot yourself... just keep pushing and trying not to think about it. Take things as they come. Cause as much as you want to sit down on the side of the road and go to sleep, you have to finish the damn thing.

P.S. Lizza, your blog may be about the beginnings of adulthood, but my blog is still about surviving college... haha.