Monday, March 2, 2009


So, I was glad when I found out I had mono... because that meant I wasnt crazy or bipolar or depressed. I was just sick. And that weird fever I talked about in my last post? Yeah, that was mono.

I like sicknesses that allow you to sleep as much as you want.

I also like that spring break is next week. And my birthday. yay!

Also, finding an apartment is like finding a spouse: "I think this is the one! This is perfect! No..... wait...... " later "THIS is the one! This one is perfect! No....."

Finally. I think I have really found the one. It is not perfect. But I can live with it's flaws. and it is only for 15 months anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. That's why I got tested for mono in the fall... so that perhaps I could have an excuse for how I felt... and then I was relieved that it was merely my allergy medicine that made me beyond tired all the time... that and my busy life.

It's amazing to me how much impact the fall has on our lives constantly. And in saying that, duh. But really, being constantly tired and defeated. Not that life isn't good, but it's not perfect. Heaven looks better and better.

Okay, back to life... you should post more, so I feel more justified in haunting your blog :-)