Tuesday, March 2, 2010

luck o' the irish

You could call it luck. You could call it karma, fate, God. Either way. I've been realizing lately how extremely lucky I am. I have a great job, in this crappy economy. (maybe I'm just too poor to be affected by the bad economy- how lucky!)

People have asked me, what would you do if you weren't doing what you're doing right now? I say, I'm not sure, probably waiting tables. They say no, no no, this is hypothetical. If you could do anything in the world right now, what would it be?

The answer is, exactly what I'm doing. I'm working my dream job right now, learning to repair violins in Music City, USA, and I'm working my other dream job from March-July. I'm going to school in the fall to boost my first dream job.

And hey, while I'm at it, my 3rd dream job, playing in a band/writing songs may just come true too.

Sure, I have to leave the city I love, the people I love, for 4 months............. to get paid a lot to PLAY THE VIOLIN. While TRAVELLING.

I am not in need.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

--jealous. that's all :-)

can't wait to see you! can you come earlier so we can hang out?